7 things you’ll hear me say at a Sunset session

As most of you know, I prefer to only shoot the last hour of the day. Sun flare is kind of my thing. At your sunset session, you can expect to hear at least 5 of these!



“I can already tell your gallery is going to be huge.”

“I won’t even need to edit these.”


“Guys this might be my new favorite session.”

“I am so excited to go through these!!!”


Best of fall 2015

I figured since it actually snowed and felt like winter today, I would reminisce on some of my favorite fall sessions. Can’t wait for next year!!

Oliver and Emily at Wilson Park

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many smiles and giggles from a little one! Oliver looked so handsome in his outfit. And those matching fedoras?! Adorable!! I am so glad Emily mentioned Wilson Park, I loved it! These were all taken during a mini session! It’s an affordable way to still get photos done. Email, call, or text to get more information.


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Mommy daughter sessions!

This is my sister and my niece! Aren’t they adorable?!? Mommy and me sessions are SO fun and you will cherish these pictures forever. They start at only $75! What a steal! I hope these make you smile as much as they make me smile!

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Nick and Andrew graduation session

I can’t believe these guys are graduating! Andrew is graduating from Pea Ridge High School and Nick is graduating from The University Of Arkansas Fort Smith! Time sure does fly. So proud of these young men. Here’s to 2015!IMG_7733_MG_7708_MG_7698_MG_7676IMG_7747